The production costs of 1 kg of pork in live weight is projected to reach Rub 95 kg ($1.11) in 2025. This is an 8% increase.
The webinar Innovative cutting-edge technologies to care for piglets, hosted by Pig Progress is available on demand.
Romania is expected to boost its pig population to reach complete self-sufficiency in pork, according to Minister of ...
There is not a lot of information available about Oceania’s role in meat production – which is partly understandable seeing the region’s relatively small population and economic value and its relative ...
Insects could possibly be a mechanical vector for transferring pathogens. Larvae are also increasingly used as animal ...
Danish leading pig producer Danish Crown is stopping its factory in Pinghu near Shanghai after less than six years. Pinghu is ...
The veterinarian is one of the main advisors for farm management and farmers put a lot of trust in them. Pig welfare expert Dr Irene Camerlink explains that the ideal vet makes a world of difference.
The industry, from feed millers, to farmers, to retailers, are engaged to produce meat with less chemicals (ZnO, antimicrobials), moving from curative to preventive nutrition and health; Trouw ...
Germany has regained its status "free of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) without vaccination" for most of the country, with only ...