DOTHAN, Ala. (WTVY) - It’s Spring Break season, and the Headland Police Department has some advice to share with travelers.
Ranger Power insists the project will save local land for agriculture down the road, provide millions in tax funds, and have ...
Every year right about now, the Emmy race starts ramping up, with lots of shows releasing in the spring sweet spot — they’ll ...
A teenager has been told he should be ashamed of his “cowardly” bullying conduct which led to a boy being forced to withdraw ...
The Headland baseball team won a pair of home games on Saturday at Sheldon Park, beating Valley 8-4 and Houston Academy 9-6.
DOTHAN, Ala. (WTVY) -The Headland Municipal Airport and Flight Services are preparing for its “Fly-In Fun.” It’s an event to ...
An artisan bakery that was started in a flat during the lockdown has become so successful that it sells out every single day.
Some went to the movies while others played on the beach. Another was fishing while waiting for the pub to open. It was hard ...
Little wonder, then, that 9,000 of the island’s 15,000 permanent residents were evacuated and are only just beginning to ...
ESSO - National Centre for Polar & Ocean Research (NCPOR), an Autonomous Society under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt.
Archaeologists who excavated a Roman cemetery say it is "unique" due to the range of different types of burial and grave ...
Cathy Newman: How concerned are you about what appears to be, or risks being, an environmental catastrophe?