To the dismay of hay fever sufferers, a spike in pollen is expected in the Netherlands in the coming days as temperatures ...
If your allergies leave you feeling lightheaded or cause chest pain, alert your doctor immediately, Nagarajan said. It could ...
If you're one of the 20 percent of the US population to suffer with hay fever, then you might find that it affects more than ...
However, for many people around Scotland the better weather also means the arrival of hayfever season. If you're one of the ...
The pollen count has been high for the start of astronomical spring with tree pollen to blame. What are the prospects for the ...
Cough syrups can carry an increased risk of bacterial growth once opened. Dr Grant said: “Once opened, cough syrups can last ...
Hay fever sufferers are braced for misery as the country basks in above-average temperatures for this time of year ...
It's spring and if you feel like your seasonal allergies are worse every year, it’s not just in your head (or your sinuses).
The East and West Midlands, along with Wales and South East England face a high risk of birch pollen next month ...
We all know how grim hay fever season can be. If you suffer from allergies, you'll no doubt be dreading the next couple of ...
Experts have urged people with allergies to take care as tree pollen levels have been high due to the above-average ...
The trial's education package focuses on the subjects’ understanding and adherence to the use of intranasal steroid sprays.