Shortly after Shakespeare's death there was some talk about removing his remains from Stratford to Westminster Abbey but the idea was soon abandoned. Poet William Basse wrote: My Shakespeare, rise! I ...
The Abbey is a place that's touched the lives of kings, queens, statesmen and soldiers, poets, priests, heroes and villains since 960AD. Westminster Abbey has been the coronation church since 1066 and ...
This lecture was recorded ahead of the A-Level English Masterclass Shakespeare’s Sisters online event on 20th March 2024. Please note all opinions are of the individual speaking and do not represent ...
Although some 3,000 people have been buried in Westminster Abbey since its foundation in the tenth century ... By the 1730s, the absence of a memorial to William Shakespeare was seen as a significant ...
By delving into the past, Shakespeare helped his audiences confront ... By the late 1500s, many people were queuing to take a tour of Westminster Abbey, a thriving Elizabethan tourist attraction.
Sir Mark Rylance will return to Westminster Abbey with a company of actors bringing the words of William Shakespeare to life for six special performances in April. Her Majesty The Queen led the ...
The King and Queen worked tirelessly throughout, and when the war had ended the King supported proposals for the burial of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey. On 11th November 1920 George V ...
Special services, concerts, lectures, events for families and more – there’s something for everyone at the Abbey. Many of our events are free and open to anyone. Our in-person events are held at ...
Poets’ Corner, Westminster Abbey, is a place of pilgrimage for literature lovers. More than 100 poets and writers are buried or have memorials here. And, so began a tradition of burials and memorials ...
William Camden, in his guide to Westminster Abbey published in 1600, says that the bones of the poet were transferred to this tomb. Chaucer's coat of arms is painted twice on the monument ("party per ...
The President of the Republic of Hungary, HE János Áder, accompanied by Mrs Anita Herczeg, First Lady, visited Westminster Abbey on Tuesday 24th May and laid a wreath at the Grave of the Unknown ...