A private all-female liberal arts college in Wellesley, Massachusetts, is offering students the opportunity to learn about the social construction of gender in the biblical world with a religion ...
Traditional religious narratives often describe God as eternal, existing beyond the confines of time and space. However, for ...
All of that is inevitable, but it becomes dangerous when we mistake religion for God or reduce God to the parameters of ...
In a world increasingly shaped by secularism and scientific empiricism, a paradox emerges: the enduring belief that history has direction, meaning and purpose—a secularized form of providentialism.
and the famous words uttered by its progenitor – J Robert Oppenheimer from the Hindu Scripture, the Bhagavad Gita: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” The point is that you ...
That includes schools, churches, Bible translation ... He shows the church how to embrace places of paradox. In these rural, marginalized places with their limited options, the table is spread ...
The Mental Health Crisis of a Materialistic Society Studies show that materialistic people are more likely to experience ...
Some Christians claim that the Bible never teaches it and so on ... Without the doctrine of original sin, this paradox of humanity is an even deeper mystery. Modern thinkers may claim that ...
The Bible calls faith “the substance of things ... it can just as easily lead us astray. The “paradox of faith” is that we tend to feel most passionately about our beliefs when they ...
The Bible says she lived in Nazareth when Romans ... so you’re up against a paradox. Can you get a scientific test for miracles? No. Science will only test for physical laws or physical results.” ...