San Francisco Mayor Daniel Lurie officially cut the ribbon at a ceremony Monday as Revel opened its first electric vehicle ...
SAN JOSE TENANTS are fed up with years of longstanding problems at their apartment complex — and took their complaints to the ...
The San Jose City Council unanimously voted Tuesday to approve a seven-story, 345-apartment complex at 905 North Capitol Ave., signing off on $4.9 million in construction tax cuts and fee waivers and ...
Policing will address the conditions at the 16th Street BART plaza momentarily, but a long term solution will require much ...
Policing will address the conditions at the 16th Street BART plaza momentarily, but a long term solutions will require ...
While councilmembers voiced unilateral support for maintaining retail in North Sunnyvale, city officials stressed they can't outright deny the proposal. State laws, such as Senate Bill 330, make it ...
As I was running the San Jose Shamrock Run last Saturday morning through downtown San Jose, I found myself thinking of Frank Taylor, the former longtime head of the city's redevelopment agency who ...
SAN JOSE — A housing highrise, conversions of office spaces to residences, new retail, and a revamped office building could ...
San Jose small businesses dependent on liability insurance have fallen on hard times as insurance carriers exit California or ...
SAN JOSE — Santana Row in San Jose is producing a fresh crop of stores and one restaurant, a sign that the destination South ...
SAN JOSE — Santana Row is welcoming new stores and a restaurant that will broaden its offerings, according to Federal Realty ...
The city estimates it will face a small shortfall after redirecting Measure E funds again for homelessness solutions ...