The researchers conducted a comprehensive genetic analysis, examining over 4,000 genes from 200 iguanian specimens.
Rare, migratory bird known for its elaborate courtship dance. Critically endangered sea turtle nesting along UAE’s shores. Secretive amphibian thriving in rocky wadis and freshwater pools. Wild cat ...
But on a warm afternoon in December, 77 of these animals were captured near the town of Alpine and hauled back home to build ...
Species such as the critically endangered central rock rat are set to get some much needed protection in a 40,000 sqm patch ...
This year marks the 25th year since the Ironwood Forest National Monument was proclaimed in June of 2000. The Monument boundary includes 189,000 acres of natural Sonoran Desert and includes ...
New research on the feeding habits of the desert rat-kangaroo could help locate the possibly extinct species, with ...
A carnivorous marsupial, it comes out at night to hunt its favorite foods: insects and spiders. It's rare for people to see ...
A tiny marsupial species declared extinct decades ago may still be hopping around in the deserts of Australia — and a new study offers a potential roadmap for its rediscovery. The desert rat-kangaroo, ...
The desert mule deer is a common sight in west Texas, but wildlife biologists in the area came across an extremely uncommon ...
He said the past year had been particularly historic for the department with the launch of the largest wildlife protection operation which rescued and released over 14,000 animals and birds of ...