Local-government officials on the transit board say hiring Constantine, a longtime King County executive, provides the best ...
Currently, Phoenix Police Department Headquarters occupies the northeast corner of the intersection and is anticipated to ...
The Utah Transit Authority opened its new South Jordan Downtown station on Wednesday, located across from the new Ballpark at ...
As suburbs grow across the Wasatch Front, Utah transit agencies are trying to plan ahead to keep pace with new development.
A storm bringing thunder, lightning, wind, and hail swept across western Washington Wednesday night, leaving a Sound Transit ...
How architects and developers can capitalize on the new Eastside transit infrastructure, including new design opportunities ...
The project serves as a gateway between campus and community and exemplifies how architecture can work in harmony with major infrastructure.
The Angle Lake Sound Transit light rail station is currently closed due to a power outage. Overhead wires reportedly snapped ...
Service was suspended at the Sound Transit Angle Lake station after a reported power outage, with passengers having to be ...