Orlando Health and Watson Clinic are planning Orlando Health Watson Clinic Lakeland Highlands Hospital in Lakeland, Fla.
Lakeland, FL, Nov. 18--Florida Tile Industries ... Florida Tile's new chief operating officer, Scott Fullerton, said in the statement a plan is in place to ensure no interruptions in service.
LAKELAND, Fla. — Lakeland Regional Health (LRH) has repeatedly been ranked ... It’s very fast paced,” Mclaughlin said. Nobody plans a trip to the emergency room, but many patients who ...
Lakeland Regional Health has repeatedly been ranked the second busiest emergency room in the country. The hospital is expanding as Polk County continues to see explosive growth. Ukraine must be ...
Lakeland has reduced the price of its 'powerful' floor mop in time for spring cleaning that will 'leave all of your hard floors sparkling'. The TurboClean Floor Cleaner usually retails for £129. ...
This site displays a prototype of a “Web 2.0” version of the daily Federal Register. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal Register, and does not replace the official print version or the ...
PWDA welcomed the opportunity to provide comment to the NSW Department of Transport on the nine Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plans. PWDA are part of national working groups to reform the ...
Livestock health research scientist Brenda Ralston and her team at Lakeland College in Vermilion, Alta., are investigating a variety of solutions to some of the industry’s livestock issues.
Led by the FIGO Committee on Urogynaecology and Pelvic Floor Disorders, this webinar will equip health professionals with knowledge and skills to initiate meaningful conversations with patients, ...
East Ohio Regional Hospital plans to meet with the Belmont County auditor to address “backdated taxes.” EORH administration announced to employees by email Monday that it will be shuttering ...
Pocasset is a 16-bed inpatient acute mental health stabilization center that offers treatment to patients at least 19 years old. Pappas is a 60-bed rehab hospital serving 36 patients who range in ...