GRASS LAKE, MI -- The Lumen Christi girls basketball team is ... Subscribers click the “Get photo” link to download high-resolution images right to their device for free as part of their ...
Finding suitable land within the district is challenging due to environmental hazards and existing infrastructure, leaving few options for the new school's location. A roadblock is standing in the way ...
According to a ranking of the 10 windiest cities in the U.S. with a population of 100,000 or more by Redfin, a real-estate brokerage company, Corpus Christi lands at No. 4. Redfin ranked the cities ...
The business expected to see an eye-catching revamp is known as a spot "where food, music, art and culture live and thrive," a city memo shows.
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Adjustments made to the Mary Rhodes Pipeline Monday night are now adding 20 million more gallons of ...
CCISD is providing free Advanced Placement exams for students who meet the federal requirement for free or reduced lunch, ...
Experts say the breakwater structure could slow waves, prevent further erosion and become a habitat for marine life.
With school districts across the state taking Spring Break this week, the high school baseball schedule is a busy one throughout Corpus Christi and the Coastal Bend. Whataburger Field will be busy ...