Ce dimanche 30 mars à 17 h, la salle de la Kirneck de Gertwiller servira de cadre à un concert intitulé “Oyfn Weyg” (à la ...
The La Jolla Music Society's popular chamber music festival, SummerFest, begins July 25, guided by the season's theme ...
Sadie Cheslak, a 2013 Duluth East graduate now based in Chicago, was one of five singers awarded $20,000 prizes in the ...
Retrouvez sur LeTemps.ch les informations en continu, enquêtes, analyses, dossiers spéciaux, opinions, graphiques, podcasts ...
Samedi 23 mars, les groupes vocaux Chorum de Mably et Inter’Val de Tarare, dirigés respectivement par Marie-Catherine Chanel ...
At intermission, after the Schumann, musician friends expressed great enthusiasm for Grimaud’s performance. The virtuosity ...
Besides bringing people together, music concerts are also a good way to enjoy spectacular performances. In music history, several record-breaking concert attendances have been recorded. Below is a ...
Baroque Jam's / Impro LibreJusqu'au 31/12/2025 StrasbourgBAROQUE JAM’S – SCÈNE OUVERTE Chaque mercredi dès 20h30, plongez dans l’univers du baroque avec une jam session libre et spontanée au Quai […] ...
la célèbre soprano Anna Netrebko se confiait sur ses succès, ses projets et son quotidien, notamment la préparation mentale et physique à laquelle elle s’astreint avant chaque prestation. Mêlé ...
The FutureMedNext: The Smart Patient Care summit brings together healthcare leaders, technology pioneers, and industry experts to explore the transformative impact of smart technologies on patient ...
tour was first announced on February 4 by her label Blissoo with the release of a poster for the upcoming concerts. Jisoo will play a total of seven stops for her 2025 ‘Lights, Love, Action!’ ...