How these menacing towers of raw concrete that just a few short years ago were considered the ugliest buildings in the world became highly covetable and intensely influential all over again.
As “The Brutalist” heads into Oscar night with 10 nominations, Hollywood is clamoring for its next big architecture hit. Our illustrator has some ideas.
This story was originally published on Dec. 19, 2024. We're bringing it back after "The Brutalist" won the Oscars for best actor (Adrien Brody), best original score (Daniel Blumberg) and best ...
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Michael Allen, West Virginia University (THE CONVERSATION) Some viewers of “The ...
(THE CONVERSATION) Some viewers of “The Brutalist” are probably getting their first taste of Brutalism, the architectural style that gives the film its name. The film, which has been nominated ...