Bubblemaps, a popular on-chain visualization tool and crypto sleuthing firm, has launched its BMT token on Solana (SOL) and Binance Smart Chain (BNB) ahead of the launch of its investigation platform: ...
According to KookCapitalLLC, the Bubblemaps token is being described as one of the funniest exit scams in the crypto space. The tweet suggests that the creators, realizing the limited profitability in ...
This lineup includes item, spell, and NPC cards to go with maps, tokens, enemy datasheets, what appear to be a handful of adventure booklets, and a character sheet seemingly inspired by the best ...
There are tokens for monsters and players to use in combat, and several maps. Arman states that “you’ll be able ... check out this feature on the Final Fantasy RPG starter set.
The Young Barbican Takeover Festival is an opportunity for London's ... textile scraps to create a custom badge expressing your style. Set your intentions and map out your creative journey for 2025.
In Lewis Carroll’s novel Sylvie and Bruno Concluded (1893), a mysterious character, Mein Herr, tells the narrator about a map he has made ... and Jane Alison (Barbican Head of Visual Arts), the ...
Join artists, musicians, writers and industry professionals for workshops, live music, screenings and more. The Young Barbican Takeover Festival is an opportunity for London's young creatives to come ...
In the high-octane world of Alley Cat Games, dice like to live dangerously. First, they were at death’s door in Dice Hospital, now they are screaming in a good way at Dice Theme Park – possibly ...
If standard fantasy baseball leagues accounted for defensive statistics, the Tampa Bay Rays’ dynamic center fielder Kevin Kiermaier and his .986 career fielding percentage would be ...