If you have a balcony holding outdoor gear and miscellaneous items, these expert tips will make sure your belongings are ...
If you're looking to spruce up your balcony with some plants then make sure you take note of one crucial factor - otherwise ...
Five years ago my mother moved from a semi-detached house in the suburbs to an apartment complex near the city. At home she’d had front and back gardens. Now she’s very happily downsized to a smallish ...
Carol‘s gardening journey started with a five-year-old velo addiction that the mother of one wanted to overcome.
Container gardening is all the rage. With the right tips, living in an apartment or condo is no deterrent to nurturing beautiful blooms and verdant veggies on your balcony throughout the spring and ...
When selecting side tables for the balcony, consider going with classic garden stools instead of your typical small table. “They’re drag-able, durable, and decorative,” Drake notes.
Planted tomatoes in Reno’s warm spell only to see them freeze? Here’s how to prep your garden for unpredictable spring weather.
The workshop is designed for anyone interested in gardening, whether they have a small balcony garden or a large backyard. Participants will have the chance to ask questions and network with other ...