Critics of the Trump administration’s early actions on global health—withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WHO) and ...
A New York Times opinion column has finally admitted the legendary “newspaper of record” was wrong all along about the origin of the COVID-19 virus (“We were badly misled about the event ...
Also on March 9, Gov. Mike DeWine, advised by his Health Director, Dr. Amy Acton, declared a public emergency. School and ...
It’s been five years since the world came to a sudden halt. Outbreaks of a deadly coronavirus — first in China, then in Italy and Iran, and then seemingly everywhere at once — prompted the World ...
Reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic five years later, it seems that its main impact on the global order was that it had no ...
Dr. Francis Collins led the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), the world’s largest funder of biomedical research, ...
Some restrictions — moving schools to virtual learning, restricting non-essential businesses — were effective in slowing the spread of infection. Others, such as closing beaches, parks and playgrounds ...
The World Health Organization's (WHO) planned high-cost conference on tobacco control in November year is expected to exacerbate its financial strains, ...
Five years after the COVID-19 pandemic, a divided world is unprepared for the next health crisis that will inevitably occur.
Only an honest conversation will lead us forward. Like any field with the potential to inflict harm on a global scale, ...
Five years ago, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a global pandemic. The ...
Zeynep Tufecki, a Times columnist and sociology professor at Princeton University, wrote in a recent opinion piece that the ...