Traditional methods of understanding public sentiment in cities such as surveys and interviews often lack scale, timeliness, ...
The Faculty of Planning (FP) at CEPT University invites applications to its UG and PG programs for 2025. Established in 1972 ...
Henning Larsen has just launched a new initiative in Esbjerg, Denmark, aimed at rethinking urban spaces through the ...
The early results for Vancouver’s Broadway Plan have some residents deeply concerned about the plan and its future.
The site of Cape Town’s old Conradie Hospital is today buzzing with the sounds of a community being built, with over 1,250 ...
As we await a revised list of properties the GSA deems “non-core,” a critic ponders the fate of Washington’s historic ...
The ‘Super Block’ initiative to create car-free pedestrian-friendly neighbourhoods will be introduced as an urban space design concept within the Dubai Walk master plan. This concept will be ...
Dublin zoning officials said they support plans to transform The Bogey Inn into an “entertainment campus” but argue the building’s blueprint needs to ...
The design for a boulevard connecting the river to Parramatta Square as well as Powerhouse Parramatta has been ...
Hyde Park Neighborhood Council opposes the project and zoning change. A planning commission vote on the project is scheduled ...
One of the biggest hurdles Jangale faced was working within the constraints of different regulatory requirements for city ...
Successful candidates will progress to a pool of future members and may be appointed for a term of up to three years.