Traditional methods of understanding public sentiment in cities such as surveys and interviews often lack scale, timeliness, ...
Structured wayfinding initiatives such as Bristol Legible City and Southampton Legible City demonstrate how cities actively ...
A Ph.D. shared a day-in-the-life video, detailing how convenient it is to buy groceries in her walkable city. In doing so, urbanism and health expert Dr. T. Panova (@dr.tpanova) debunked common ...
This programme focuses on the social, economic and political dimensions of urban design. You’ll learn how urban environments shape communities and how design can tackle social problems and create ...
The course approaches design as a practice for shaping urban environments and responding to urban problems as well as an imaginative form of research that can shed light on the social, political and ...
COMMENT | The proposed Urban Renewal Act (URA) has arrived at our doorstep; but it is an awkward juncture; we are divided as ...