Jim Davis told professors he’ll share their concerns with lawmakers about proposals that would increase oversight on ...
People in Maverick County spend months in jail waiting to be charged with minor crimes. Some are simply lost in the system ...
Reps. Tom Craddick and Brooks Landgraf want to divert 10% of taxes collected on oil and gas production to help ...
A new coffee shop has opened on Cherokee Street. The motto at Good Strangers (2416 Cherokee): Good Bites. Gooder Bevs.
Barn swallows are migrating back to Central Texas, and while they provide an ecological service by eating insects, their mud ...
Gov. Greg Abbott has made water a priority for this legislative session. Lawmakers will debate whether to invest more into ...
As Dallas-based Stream Realty moves forward with efforts to revitalize more than 30 properties it owns along East Sixth ...
The Austin Fire Department said it doesn't know if windows that were installed had fallen down, or if the glass came from ...
AUSTIN, Texas — After decades in Downtown Austin, one of the city's longest-running festivals has a new home and a muddled ...
“Things kind of got weird in February,” Serrao said. “I’ve seen some pretty weird reactions. So wasn’t expecting that as part ...
Each week we shine the spotlight on an influential Central Texan via our Journal Profile series, which aims to get well ...
Cartier could open its first store in Austin at The Domain, plus Zara is growing its retail presence there. At the end of ...