Visiting a Czech castle is a good way to spend a day in Czechia – whether you’re here for the first time, or are a long-term resident in search of new weekend plans.
However, beginning in the Romanesque period, perceptions of the peacock shifted—decidedly to its disadvantage. The positive symbolism of ... the highest spiritual art, the harsh, grating call ...
For over a thousand years, basilicas have been stages for history. Charlemagne knelt in St. Peter’s Basilica to be crowned ...
One of the best-known works of art at the New Orleans Museum of Art is a regal painting of Marie Antoinette. Painted in 1788 ...
Notably, a very faded painting of the crucifixion scene with Jesus on the cross was also uncovered, the image of his crown of ...
Among the great artistic objects found by chance, one must include the Ashokan Lion Capital at the Archaeological Museum of Sarnath in northern India. Several miles away, on the Ganges, lies the ...
By Melena Ryzik An exhibition at the Louvre-Lens in France examines centuries of interplay between art and fashion, including what the sartorial choices of artists revealed about their place in ...