From tiny puddle-dwelling creatures that can survive in outer space to a paint so dark that your eyes can't actually even see it, the Earth is filled with plenty of strange and incredible things.
Since the advent of geobrowser Google Earth, a number of strange and mysterious things around the globe are visible.
Scientists discovered that methyl halides, a gas produced by microbes, could be a biosignature for life on distant planets.
If venusian clouds contain life, it will be very different than what we know. But terrestrial analogs might still give us ...
The leading explanation for all of these mysteries is known as the giant impact hypothesis. According to this story, when the ...
When the likes of Robert Peary and Matthew Henson explored Earth’s North Pole ... Sign up now. The post Strange Things Are Afoot at Mars’s North Pole appeared first on InsideHook.
Illustration of a stage in the formation of the Earth-moon system ... MARK GARLICK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty Images The moon is weird. It's completely unlike anything else in the solar system.