Their letter was sent back in November, when they tried to vote on it. When the chairman opened the agenda, the agenda was voted on and 21 members of the political committee voted for Serbia's ...
We are talking about the head of the Clinic for Emergency and Clinical Toxicology at that institution. It is suspected that the professor cheated citizens and charged more expensive examinations ...
February the 27th, 2025 – Sveta Nedelja has been chosen by Porsche for its new business. It will situate a new factory for the production of Porsche ebike batteries. Croatian entrepreneur Mate Rimac ...
"President Vucic has been fighting corruption for years. He is fighting it systematically. All of this that you are seeing now was not done in three months, these are all investigations that have been ...
President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic announced today, after the talks with Iran's Minister of Information and Communications Technology Sattar Hashemi, that Iran will participate in EXPO 2027 in ...
Sveta Stolica je priopćila da je papa "ovog poslijepodneva" doživio "izoliranu krizu bronhospazma koja je dovela do povraćanja i aspiracije uz naglo pogoršanje njegovog respiratornog stanja", prenosi ...
"Čuvat ćemo mir i nijedan naš muškarac i žena neće otići u rat", rekao je Dodik okupljenima u Banjoj Luci Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu i ...
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Welcome to this window on GRECO’s world! I invite you to use it to look into the work we do with our 48 member States. We use the dynamics of collective expertise and peer pressure to accomplish ...
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