The stage musical version at Ford’s Theatre delivers riotous nuns and hip-thrusting henchmen.
We store some essential data on your computer to make our website work. With your consent, we would also like to allow third ...
Join us for a guided visualisation through a biotherapeutic soundscape followed by a ... A ticket to this event also gives you access to events in the conservatory on the same day. The Barbican is ...
London is one of the theatre capitals of the world, hosting everything from blockbuster musicals on the West End to Shakespearean classics at The Globe. London is home to cultural icons like the ...
Scroll through our list of all the shows currently playing and start to plan an unforgettable trip to one of the best shows in London. Get tickets to all West End shows on London Theatre. If you're ...
Tom recently served a full term as Chair of the Barbican Arts Centre, Europe’s second largest ... He is also Chair of Norwich Theatre, the largest group of theatres in the East of England and chairs ...
Lizz Wright’s exquisite singing breaks all boundaries between soul, gospel and jazz. In so doing she channels many interwoven strands of the African-American experience. Wright thrives on singing to ...
Wynton Marsalis is a great man, but his Fourth, “The Jungle”, is no masterpiece, not even a symphony – a dance suite, maybe, with enough bold textures to recall wandering attentions. We needed less of ...
Viewers thrilled to the scheming Thomas Cromwell’s rise. Now, in the new TV series “The Mirror and the Light,” comes the fall ...
For the West End run, Victoria Chen has joined the company to play the role of Mei. Returning to their roles are Ami Okumura Jones as Mei’s older sister Satsuki, Dai Tabuchi as Tatsuo, Jacqueline Tate ...
America’s oldest performing arts venue does not draw the attention or audiences it once did. Now it has lost another leader ...
Soho Rep  has added two performances to its U.S. premiere production of Nia Akilah Robinson’s The Great Privation (How to ...