The Ashley House condo building in Charleston was deemed a threat to public safety after bricks fell off the side, but owners ...
Legislative leaders have argued that many condo buildings are in need of critical upgrades but that associations had ...
Not sure what to ask before buying? Here are the top questions to ask when buying a house to ensure you're making the right ...
The government plans to spend Sh7.81 billion to renovate State Houses and lodges, with some Sh2.08 billion already spent, a ...
The actual meaning of selling a home “for cash” can be a bit unclear. Especially because you’ll wind up with money in your ...
“Frank Lloyd Wright was pushing all conventional notions of building and living and stretching materials and technologies to ...
If an inspection reveals widespread failure—walls splitting, spalling concrete, or excessive movement—it's usually a ...
Ever have one of those days where everything happens at once? That happened earlier this week in Orange Township.
A woman was forced to flee her Northeast Baltimore home because of multiple instances of raw sewage backing up in her basement.