Do you find that the prayer requests of most fellow believers center on physical, material and financial needs? This is OK as ...
You don’t need a cellphone to be a distracted driver,” says the Rev. Dan Safarik. ‘You can see how dangerous it is to be ...
Kate Soucheray, a licensed marriage and family therapist emeritus and writer of the “Simple Holiness” column in The Catholic Spirit said that stepping away from responsibility out of fear is a common ...
The recent blue skies and warm sunshine have been so welcome! Who can resist nature’s call this time of the year? Roaming the Norway Ridge trails and taking some wind-whipped jaunts along Lake Huron’s ...
As a point of departure, Chidavaenzi said: “The major questions around praying in the spirit include whether or not tongues ...
The Diocese of Des Moines shared the list below of fish fries. Dinners are every Friday March 7 through April 11 unless noted. Check your local parish's website or Facebook page for menus and pricing.
Furthermore, He promised that the Holy Spirit would guide the apostles into all truth. John 16:13 says, "But when He, the ...
Christian, if we live our lives for God’s sake instead of our own, our lives will contain constant joy and peace even in the ...
Pope Francis has entered the fifth week of hospital treatment for double pneumonia very much looking ahead as he continued ...
Pope Francis was hospitalized on Feb. 14, after suffering a bout of bronchitis for weeks and after increasingly finding it ...
Focusing on the theme “Discover,” millions of participants worldwide were encouraged to make meaningful discoveries at ...
March celebrates Women's History Month, and as I walked through the exhibits at the Montrose County Historical Museum, I ...