Long after the source text crumbles and the internet decays into dead wires, the great weight of court records will bear witness: let it be known that Paddington Bear — for it is he! — is a national ...
A quirky sculpture outside Cambridge Station has grabbed people's attention over the last couple of years. The statue, named ...
A Swindon-based coin collector is selling a rare 2018 'Paddington Bear At The Station' 50p coin for more than £5,000.
Paddington Basin has had a remarkable 20-year rejuvenation, so it’s apt that one of the area’s accommodations is a barge – ...
One writer borrows clothes from her mother's wardrobe - here, she takes a look back at their significance ahead of Mother's Day.
Two air force employees were sentenced to community service and fined after a drunken stunt that a judge slammed as the polar opposite of everything Paddington represents.
Paddington Bear is a beloved cultural icon with children and adults alike,” Judge Sam Goozee said. “He represents kindness, tolerance and promotes integration and acceptance in our society.
Steakhouse brands have proved themselves surprisingly resilient in the face of the plant-based movement and the ...
Daniel Heath and William Lawrence, both 22,have admitted breaking up a fiberglass model of Paddington Bear that was sitting ...
The pair drunkenly stole the statue in the early hours of the morning before fleeing in a taxi to the RAF base they live on.
TWO drunk RAF engineers who wrecked a Paddington Bear statue are the “antithesis of everything” the kids’ character stands ...