The Grand Junction Symphony Orchestra partnered with the Art Center to put on performances of “Pictures at an Exhibition.” ...
Magnolia Art Xchange is located in Ocala’s historic ... More at These performances from the Ocala Symphony Orchestra will be at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 15 and 3 p.m. Feb. 16 at the ...
Ellen and Joe Checota are making $5 million gifts to the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, Milwaukee Repertory Theater and Milwaukee Art Museum.
The Milwaukee Art Museum, the Milwaukee Repertory Theater and the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra have all received major gifts.
The celebrated conductor brought Her Story, a potent piece by Julia Wolfe, to Kennedy Center audiences recently.
The Massillon Museum, Canton Museum of Art and the Canton Symphony Orchestra have collaborated again to honor Stark County art and music educators.
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT) -The Grand Junction Symphony Orchestra partnered with the Art Center to put on performances of “Pictures at an Exhibition.” The shows took place on March 8-9 at ...