NASA's X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft sits on a ramp at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in Palmdale, California, during ...
“Under research and development contracts with DARPA, Boeing and Lockheed Martin designed two X-planes as risk reduction for ...
Lockheed Martin shares were downgraded at several investment banks following the company's unsuccessful bid to build the Air Force's next fighter jets. Lockheed remains an attractive franchise ...
Lockheed has been a leader in stealth aircraft, playing a prominent role in both US fifth-gen fighters. It won't be building ...
Lockheed Martin announced that the USS Pinckney (DDG 91) successfully completed Flight Test Other 40 (FTX-40), also known as ...
The commentary is putting new pressure on Lockheed Martin shares, sending the stock down about 3% as of 10:30 a.m. ET. Boeing won an initial $19 billion contract to fund continued research and ...
Lockheed Martin has dominated the stealth fighter jet ... winning a contract with its X-35 design over the competing X-32. The F-35 fighter jet is available in three variants: conventional takeoff ...