Texto: Gibran Mena Aguilar y Michelle Carrere Elías Naal Hernández sale, red de pesca en mano, a probar suerte en las aguas ...
La cantante habría denunciado a su esposo, Cruz Martínez, por violencia familiar. Filtran imágenes de sus lesiones y fragmentos del documento legal.
A man from Mexico was recently extradited from Mexico City to El Paso on criminal charges related to his alleged involvement ...
Two people were arrested on Saturday, Feb. 15 after they were in possession of methamphetamine while they were at a Valero ...
Federal agents arrested four men on suspicion of housing migrants illegally in the U.S. at two El Paso motels, authorities said.
Alejandra Rubio ha salido en defensa de su madre, Terelu Campos, tras las críticas que ha recibido por su incursión en el ...
On Tuesday, The United States Department of Justice announced that Osvaldo Coronel-Fernandez aka "Omero," who's originally ...
Two people arrested Saturday in East El Paso after police say they found methamphetamines and possibly fentanyl in their car.
Djokovic, Medvedev, Sabalenka o Pegula son algunos de los últimos en sumarse a las críticas por la ligera sanción al italiano, aunque la mayoría apuntan al ...