London's Heathrow, shut down by a power outage, is Europe's busiest airport - but only the 4th or 5th globally. Here's a look ...
Competing against participants of all ages, Aaryan has consistently outperformed the best. His abilities span across addition ...
In a post, Aditya Kodmur revealed that he broke his own record from 2023 with this feat. His trick amazed social media users.
Former Real Madrid star Ronaldo was presented with a new Guinness World Record before Portugal’s Nations League game against ...
Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo has been honoured with a Guinness World Record after achieving 132 international victories ...
Portugal has a crucial task ahead: overturn the first-leg result against Denmark. Cristiano Ronaldo, however, grabbed all the ...
Pakistan's senior tennis players Talha Waheed has entered the Guinness World Record's book with his latest effort.
The Grand Canyon holds many world records, but maybe the most uniquely Arizona one is for sunniest city in the world. See which city took the title.
Having joined the illustrious list of Guinness World Record holders, Saseendran hopes others will follow her lead. “Create a record and break it,” she says. “It’s easy to apply ...
Below is the list of the airports that round out ... holds a record of its own — officially. According to Guinness World Records, King Fahd, which is near the city of Dammam, about 200 miles ...