More than just a product of their time, Georgian houses have proved remarkably adaptable. Whether carefully preserved or ...
Features include symmetrical window pattern, a decorative sill, simple entablature openings, Doric pilasters and a flat roof with a detailed parapet. It was designed by the Maine architectural ...
Building Design speaks to Hugh Broughton and Robert Songhurst about the challenges and innovative solutions behind the restoration of Sheerness Dockyard Church. From the reconstruction of its roof to ...
With further ado, gentle reader, here’s everything you need to know about Georgian-style homes—including how to get the look in your personal quarters. History of Georgian Hom ...
Europe is home to some of the most breathtaking palaces in the world, each one built to showcase power, wealth, and royal ...
The decorative tropes of Art Deco architecture are easily recognised ... Built down rather than up, it had to duck below the parapet of the Rue Royale to preserve sightlines downtown from the Royal ...
As for the building, the architecture will be that of a Spanish Colonial Revival theme with white stucco walls, terracotta clay tile roof, upper roof parapets, decorative cornices, and decorative ...
We've made it our mission to dig deep into this style, which is characterized by red roof tiles, white stucco walls, and lots ...
"Electrochemically grown crystals. You can still see the holes used to hang the anodes in the plating bath. Towards the end ...