Oleksandra Paskal, a young Ukrainian gymnast, has become a symbol of resilience, strength and determination. Her story has touched hearts around the world. Oleksandra's left leg was amputated after ...
A new emergency access compound for water rescues has been approved in Newport. Plans for the construction of an emergency access compound for South Wales Fire & Rescue Service have been green-lit by ...
Rooftop party with fire-focused cooking.
Classified as a Coldwater Fishery, its mouth borders a wild pheasant recovery area. A concrete slab bridge built in 1912 spans the creek, south of Valley View. There are also bridges at Schwenks ...
The resulting corduroy-like surface recalls the hand-chipped concrete ribs of Paul Rudolph’s Art & Architecture Building, but also the firm’s own VitraHaus design museum in Weil am Rhein, Germany. The ...
Another issue was that, because the roof was curved, each concrete rib that supported it would be different. That meant that instead of having just one mould that could be reused to cast all the ...
Investigating the recycling of infra-lightweight concrete, this study shows how RLCAs can produce RILC, aligning with ...
Grab a spot at the bar, where you can watch chefs flipping slabs of meat on the expansive central fire pit ... Next up are the roasts: porchetta with caramelised apple purée, roasted Herefordshire rib ...