The death toll in Myanmar has jumped to nearly 700, with almost 1,700 people injured. Read more at
A Maple Grove medical office building that drew a $16M price from a Maryland investor five years ago has been sold to a Texas ...
Opus Group’s new 112,000-square-foot office building in Edina gets approval from the Planning Commission, set to serve as ...
The president of the prolific development landlord spoke with CO about resi conversions in a city so greatly in need of ...
Right next door, HCS is building a new Career Tech Center to house the district’s Career Technical Education (CTE) programs.
The Port won approval to subdivide land at a former BASF site. The Cincinnati Planning Commission approved dividing the ...
He also was involved in such notable projects as a new master plan for the National Mall in Washington, D.C. and an expansion ...
A divide between Oklahoma’s governor and schools chief over undocumented students may mark the outer limits of acceptable ...
Instead, the city has a contract with Arts Fort Worth to manage its grants and public art programs. The nonprofit also served ...
In Bangkok, a building that had been under construction collapsed, killing at least three people, while dozens of workers ...