My father, Charles H. Geletzke Sr., was born in 1919 and spent his formative years, before high school, growing up on the ...
They've been powering most of our devices for years, but almost everyone still makes some of these mistakes with lithium ...
Apalachicola National Forest, Florida’s largest national forest, encompasses 630,000 acres of pine flatwoods, cypress swamps, ...
Tucked away in Florida’s Forgotten Coast (a nickname that feels like a humble brag disguised as modesty), Apalachicola stands ...
The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: there is a leak under the three-compartment sink; section of cement floor in the kitchen is not smooth and easily cleanable. City ...
According to notes, an inspector measured boba at 94 degrees after being held for more than four hours, despite regulations requiring potentially hazardous foods be kept at 41 degrees or below or at ...
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6 – thermometers provided & accurate Comments: Facility lacking visible accurate thermometers in several cold units including retail refrigerator and chest freezer45 – single-use & single ...
There are taco specials aplenty in the metro area, but this food truck in a liquor store parking lot does them for just one dollar on Tuesdays, including the al pastor off the spit. These aren't ...
The long race from Subic, reaching south to Cape Santiago and beating up the Verde Passage before bearing away at Calapan for ...