Seventy years later, “Mr. Network” is retiring as a principal engineer for the utility. Most people don’t hold the same job that long. Many don’t live that long. On Friday, Georgia Power will honor ...
It could cost $100 million and take years to install the backup generators to prevent another hourslong power loss like the ...
Art deco has a history of being a glitzy distraction from effecting genuine change during moments of turmoil, writes ...
Vagabond Battersea, located in the heart of Battersea Power Station’s food and drink scene, has been transformed to offer an even more immersive experience for wine lovers. The wine bar ...
Plug Power misses Q4 revenue estimates, reporting $191.5M vs. $263.2M expected. Project Quantum Leap aims to cut $150M–$200M in annual expenses. How to Spot the Market Bottom: Matt Maley has ...
Electricity is generated at power stations across Queensland. These power stations are fuelled by coal, gas, oil, biomass, water, wind, heat from the earth (geothermal) and sun. Queensland’s ...
Taiwanese rock duo Power Station will perform in Singapore on Apr. 19. The concert will take place at Resorts World Sentosa's ballroom. Photo courtesy of Resorts World Sentosa. This performance is ...
A truly portable power station -- not the biggest or the most powerful, but it fits into a backpack for ease of transportation.