‘Fried’, ‘chicken’ and ‘sandwich’: three alluring enough words on their own; together, they promise pure, unbridled pleasure. And, frankly, that’s the only kind of pleasure I’m ...
Between 1983 and 1985 she was with the RSC at Stratford and the Barbican, appearing in Measure for Measure and The Dillon. She also toured the Middle East in Blithe Spirit and My Giddy Aunt.
Join renowned Swiss architects Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan as they discuss their exciting recent projects. Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan have established a reputation as one of the ...
Bring along baby for our weekly film screenings of the latest new releases each Monday and Saturday morning. Enjoy the best new films on the big screen with your little ones of twelve months and under ...
Avoid the inhalation of dust – wear a suitable dust mask when dry sanding. If applying to base plaster or a highly porous surface, apply a mist coat of Churchgate Matt paint, reduced 10% with water.
Paint is one of the best and also most affordable ways to update any room in your home whenever you feel like your space needs a refresh. Whether it’s a new colour or a technique, any of these ...