Cameron Rife is a poet living in Denver, Colorado. She finds expression from a deeper part of herself through writing and ...
To be sure, record-high levels of student and worker disengagement from school and work are disturbing trends. However, these ...
“In [Erica] Reid’s Ghost Man on Second, the real ghost man floating through the pages is the sonnet.” I n listing the ...
Johnny Payne is the arts editor at Merion West. Johnny is a poet, novelist, playwright, and essayist. He has worked extensively in Latin American Studies, especially literature under dictatorship and ...
Bruises bloom roses; the blind bird has fled. Francoise Nieto-Fong was born in New York City to a Colombian father and a ...
“The deregulation of air travel and other sectors of the economy in the 1970s was (and continues to be), in my view, a profound mistake. While controversial, I assure you that this contrarian take is ...
anything sublime as a peach after a fast. John Repp is a poet, fiction writer, folk photographer, and digital collagist living in Erie, Pennsylvania. Seven Kitchens Press has just published his ...
“Seek mercy for eggs we scrambled in a youth/spent banging pots and pans together./For the telling of clumsy lies, our voices/cracking like pecans together.” Sans God, what grief can we stand together ...