William Shawn, then the editor of The New Yorker, approved the idea and O.K.’d the expenses George ran up as he followed Ahmet to Cannes and Beverly Hills and elsewhere. Just from hearing George ...
That didn’t stop William Shawn, who became the editor of the magazine ... It didn’t stop Ann Beattie from naming her car Roger, for her New Yorker editor, Roger Angell. And for all I know ...
“Think Abe Lincoln brooded before New Yorker invented the word,” she quipped. Image Matching typewriters used by William Shawn, the magazine’s editor from 1952 to 1987, and Lillian ...
The 1980s coincided with the final years of William Shawn's 35-year editorship when The New Yorker almost collapsed under the weight of very long articles about very slight subjects and Shawn's ...
It has also fostered the growth of renowned editors such as William Shawn, Robert Gottlieb and Tina Brown, all of whom helped shape it into an institution. When The New Yorker was founded in 1925 ...