The office building is owned by Madison Equities, the St. Paul landlord that is trying to unload its downtown portfolio.
A wide range of rents are drawing tenants earning between 30% and 80% of area median income, breadth rarely seen in ...
the second-tallest tower in Minneapolis, while Merchants Bank acquired the Empire and Endicott Arcade buildings in downtown St. Paul. The Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal marks its 27th ...
Among these projects is The Stella, currently under construction in St. Paul, Minnesota ... Built in 1971, the 16-story tower served as the headquarters for water treatment company Ecolab for ...
the former Ecolab tower, near Sixth and Wabasha streets in downtown St. Paul. The historically-sensitive redevelopment of the 1970s-era tower is well underway — workers on a movable platform ...