The legacy of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, a lay order dedicated to education since the 17th century, is enshrined ...
A fierce disagreement has erupted between Paphos Metropolitan Tychikos and Archbishop Georgios over relics of the Saint Paul, the apostle. At the heart of the dispute is Tychikos’ refusal to ...
H&B Gallery in Minneapolis announced they will be selling the opulent furniture and ware of Pillsbury mansion Southways in an ...
WASHINGTON — A C-119 cargo plane took off from here Wednesday groaning under the weight of an 11,000-pound war relic bound for ... gun which a sharp-eyed St. Paul gun crew used to sink a ...
Simon Carter, Keeper of Collections at St Paul’s. In a hidden chamber within the roof of St Paul’s sits Christopher Wren’s 1:25 model of the cathedral, looking for all the w ...