Romeo steals into the Capulet garden to find Juliet on her bedroom balcony, talking to herself ... You could show this scene to your students after they've watched the Act 2, Scene 2 workshops ...
Before starring as Abby in The Last of Us, Kaitlyn Dever helmed the hilarious Romeo and Juliet reimagining Rosaline.
This is ‘Casting Romeo’. It’s the balcony scene and Romeo’s taking a big risk, professing his love for Juliet on Capulet turf. There are loads of different ways to play this scene ...
The balcony scene is full of nuance and suggestive ... Sister Laurence (no friars here), who does her best to help Romeo and Juliet be together. Arts Newsletter: Sign up to receive the latest ...
It hinges on a formula of pressing pause during each pivotal scene so that its ... As Mia Khan’s giddy Juliet sings a soulful arrangement of her balcony soliloquy, it’s spliced effectively ...