A mum-of-two has won a court case against a London council over the 'severe overcrowding' in her one-bedroom flat.
South London families stuck on a council’s housing waiting list for over a decade have expressed concern about an apparent ...
Liz Wyatt of HASL believes that in an attempt to reduce the number of families in temporary accommodation, the council was ...
The landlords of an overcrowded flat in Tower Hamlets where a fire killed ... Aminur Rahman and Sofina Begum were sentenced at Snaresbrook Crown Court after pleading guilty to nine housing offences ...
A husband and wife landlord team who rented out a “grossly overcrowded” east London flat ... of Wapping, east London, not on the fatality or the fire, but on the housing offences which they pleaded ...
Husband and wife landlords Sofina Begum and Aminur Rahman have been fined after a fatal fire at a home in east London, ...
Housing support worker Elizabeth Wyatt is worried that if the overcrowding is deemed acceptable ... from Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth, added: “London is facing the biggest homeless ...
The development of co-living units has no affordable housing because it's claimed it wouldn't return any profit ...
A landlord has been ordered by a court to pay £37,000 after 18 people were found living in a terraced house in north London ... antisocial behaviour and overcrowding. Council inspectors and ...