2 Super Fast trains & 6 Mail Express trains, 4 Other trains & 10 Passenger trains, at Mathura station. Detailed timetable is given below. A: Mathura railway station is a small railway station in Uttar ...
The derailment occurred on Wednesday when 25 wagons of a coal-laden train went off track between Vrindavan and Ajhai stations ...
most of the major trains from the mega cities make a halt at Mathura railway junction. One can always get public transport to reach the destination from station. National and international ...
Mathura (UP), Sep 20 (PTI) With the restoration of one of the railway lines, rail traffic between Delhi and Mathura that was ...
Vrindavan has a railway station, but not all trains stop here. Closest major railway station is at Mathura, around 14 km away. Taxis, buses and hired auto-rickshaws are available from Mathura to ...
Yes, there is one direct Mail Express and Super Fast train running between Chennai Central and Mathura. These include Mail Express and Super Fast trains. What is the distance between Chennai Central ...
WR will run Train No. 09075/76 Mumbai Central - Kathgodam Holi Special for the convenience of passengers and to meet the travel demand. The booking for train no. 09075 will open on 06th March 2025, ...