What was a 360 degree view from the top of ‘the Gherkin’ is now somewhat blocked by ‘the Cheesegrater’. The Leadenhall Building - The Cheesegrater ...
Walls and foundations made of flint, ragstone and Roman title were found underneath the basement of a commercial building near London's Leadenhall Market. Some areas measure over 32 feet long ...
UK. Positioned between the iconic 'Gherkin' and the Leadenhall building, the approved structure will be a 74-storey office ...
Speaking of Leadenhall, planning permission for a new skyscraper at 100 Leadenhall Street has been approved. The tower will be around 56 storeys tall and has been nicknamed ‘The Diamond’, as its ...
The Cornhill Devils are rumoured to have been an act of revenge after an architect fell out with the priest in charge of the ...
They depict how the skyline is likely to look in the coming years once planned new buildings are complete. These include 99 Bishopsgate, a 54-storey tower already in construction, and One Undershaft - ...
The Shard is the tallest skyscraper in the UK and Western Europe at 309.6m ... With its characteristic slope, The Leadenhall Building is nicknamed 'The Cheesegrater' for this trapezoid shape.
An "extraordinary" discovery of London’s first Roman basilica has been found under the basement of an office building about to be demolished right next to Leadenhall Market in Central London. The ...