The midday budget hearing marks an early start to the city budget process, which will have to contend with ongoing uncertainty in the city and beyond.
Mayor Renard Johnson gave his first State of the City address at the El Paso convention center — and, in a new twist, he ...
The event runs from Friday, April 11 to Sunday, April 13, at the El Paso convention center, and will showcase returning actor Patrick Warburton, known for his role in "Seinfeld" and Vincent D ...
El Paso Mayor Renard Johnson spoke of his accomplishments, challenges and vision for the city Thursday afternoon, addressing ...
Mayor Renard Johnson and the City Council will hold the State of the City at 11 a.m. Thursday, March 6, at the El Paso Convention Center. Unlike previous years, when the mayor simply gave a speech ...
The Abraham Chavez Theatre is located at the El Paso Convention Center, at 1 Civic Center Plaza, across the street from La Nube.
Mayor Renard Johnson and members of the City Council will meet at  the El Paso Convention Center, 1 Civic Center Plaza to discuss their visions and plans for El Paso's future. The event "will provide ...