Edward Snowden has lived in Russia for the past 12 years, but a pardon from Trump could see him return to his country of birth.
Senator Lankford, and others, put the question to President Trump’s nominee to be director of national intelligence.
In a tense Senate exchange, Tulsi Gabbard was grilled by a senator on whether she considered Edward Snowden a traitor for ...
Gabbard was questioned by Republicans and Democrats alike on her views of Snowden and whether she believes he was a traitor.
Eric Schmitt (R-MO) twisted himself in knots to avoiding stating whether he considers Snowden — who stole more than a million classified documents — a traitor. “Is Edward Snowden a traitor?” ...
When one lawmaker asked if she believed Mr. Snowden was a traitor, Ms. Gabbard simply said that she was ‘focused on the future.’ ...