Husband and wife landlords Sofina Begum and Aminur Rahman have been fined after a fatal fire at a home in east London, ...
Landlords who rented out a "grossly overcrowded" flat on an estate in east London have been fined more than £90k, following a ...
A husband and wife landlord team who rented out a “grossly overcrowded” east London flat where an e-bike fire led to the ...
Two cats have died and three children were rescued after a huge East London flat fire. Four fire engines and around 25 ...
Victims of the fire have asked whether money confiscated from the landlords will be available for them to pursue further ...
Two landlords have been fined after housing 22 tenants in a two-bedroom flat in Shadwell, where a man lost his life in a fire.
A husband and wife landlord team who rented out a “grossly overcrowded” east London flat where an e-bike fire led to the death of a tenant have been fined more than £90,000. Father-of-two ...