Another grain mill is slated for demolition on Hiawatha Avenue in Minneapolis, which would make it the fourth out of nine ...
POTTSVILLE — Pottsville Mayor Mark Atkinson is expected to issue an emergency declaration to demolish two blighted homes and ...
Friday morning, a group of people holding signs set up outside St. Paul’s German Evangelical Church on East Broadway with ...
It’s great to have that blight removed,” a neighboring business leader says. “It’s great to have the neighborhood looking like it's on its way back." ...
The City of Sumner tried to tear down the Ryan House last year, but a judge blocked the permit. Now the city has filed for a ...
The council extended its “interim control” of the 98-year-old building, buying time to potentially get it added to the ...
After more than a half century as the center of Oklahoma City's culture, sports, politics and entertainment, the Myriad is ...
Demolition of Prairie Surf Studios in downtown Oklahoma City is set to begin in April to make way for the new $900 million ...