How these menacing towers of raw concrete that just a few short years ago were considered the ugliest buildings in the world ...
Mark Cavagnero, the founding principal architect of San Francisco-based firm Mark Cavagnero Associates, explained to Newsweek the origins of brutalism, which grew out of the need to quickly ...
The exposed, poured-in-place “raw” concrete—béton brut—of which they were wholly or partially constructed accounts for “brutalism,” the name by which the architectural craze these buildings launched ...
His contempt for brutalism isn’t surprising, given that it is mostly associated with 1960s-era government and university buildings, hotbeds of resistance to the MAGA program. Hollywood loves ...
(Rhode Island PBS) What’s true is that UMass Dartmouth is one of America’s largest and most unified expressions of Brutalism, the controversial style that takes its name from the French words ...
They’re all prime examples of brutalism. Raw concrete, or béton brut in French, is the etymological origin of the term. As one might guess, the buildings of this style were typically ...
Editor’s note: This article, distributed by The Associated Press, was originally published on The Conversation website. The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis ...
But fans say it can also be expressive and forceful. Local examples of brutalism abound, from Journal Square in Jersey City to the former Whitney Museum in Manhattan and college buildings in ...
Le Corbusier's Cité Radieuse is supported by massive concrete pilingsImage: MERCIER Serge/picture alliance Brutalism continues to influence international architecture, with contemporary ...
So production designer Judy Becker had to design it for the film. The final building design showcases brutalism on a grand scale, with large and cascading rectilinear blocks of concrete topped ...