Major exhibition Dirty Looks marks the return of contemporary fashion to the Barbican and Lucy Raven presents a new ...
London's Barbican Centre has revealed initial plans to renovate ... The consultation feedback will feed into the next stage of the plans to be published in May. Construction is expected to begin ...
Tan's Scenes From A Repatriation and Chng's When Cloud Catches Colours will make their debut in the British capital. Read ...
Led by a wildly over the top Cate Blanchett, leaning into all the histrionic impulses of the popular actress, Irina Arkadina, ...
Adam Dannheisser will reprise his role as Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof as it prepares to open at London’s Barbican Theatre. Lara Pulver and Beverley Klein will also return to play Golde and ...
Fiddler on the Roof transfers to the Barbican as park of a tour of the UK. There’s an irony that ‘Fiddler On the Roof’ is being revived in the only theatre in London that doesn’t have one.
Cate Blanchett is back on the London stage for the first time in six years, playing the feted, self-absorbed, glamorous actress Arkadina in Chekhov’s first theatrical masterpiece The Seagull (1896).