“Now we know what the Adelie penguin preys on and how much it eats ... “We now understand how much they rely on those fish that inhabit water just below the sea ice, which means that Adelie ...
For the first time, scientists have counted all the world’s Adelie penguins -- a sprightly seabird considered a bellwether of climate change –- and discovered that millions of them are ...
The Adélie is the littlest, and also the most widespread, species of penguin in the Antarctic. They might look a bit clumsy on land, but penguins are brilliant swimmers. They can dive down to 180m – ...
Today is World Penguin Day, a special day in which the Adelie penguin supposedly begins ... When these gifted swimmers are in the water, the black on their backs helps them camouflage with the ...
We’re working with French polar scientists at Dumont D’Urville Station in east Antarctica to monitor the lives of Adélie penguins. Climate change is complex. While disappearing sea ice poses a threat ...
Scientists have used ancient DNA to help reconstruct 6,000 years of penguin history at the South Pole. The researchers found that Adélie penguins had taken over the habitat of southern elephant ...
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